Thursday, April 5, 2012

On Page SEO v. Off Page SEO

In the world of SEO strategy there are two major focuses: on-page and off-page. Each type of SEO has a specific focus area, and this article will discuss them in greater detail.

On-Page SEO

  • Website Content: This refers to the written content on your website; the blogs, the copywriting blurbs, the landing pages, and similar items. The quality of your content will determine how it is ranked on a search engine, so take care to secure high quality written content.
  • Images: A search engine cannot recognize photos, but every image file has data attached to it. The file name, the alt tags, and all of the text attached the photo will be considered by a search engine.
  • URL Structure: Those websites that have a very organized URL structure are friendlier to search engine scanners, and so have the greatest success when ranking. Editing the URL to include your website title can also be very beneficial.
  • Metadata and Title Tags: In addition to website text, every page has a specific text title, or title tag. It usually appears in the upper left corner of the browser, and will also appear as the displayed link on a search page. The title maxes at 75 characters, so plan carefully. Metadata exists within your HTML coding, and should be optimized for SEO purposes.
  • Internal Linkage: This refers to the links on your page that take users to external sites. Search engines consider who you are linking to, as well as who links to you, when determining a ranking.

Off-Page SEO

  • Inbound Links: Search engines give a lot of credence to what websites link to your page. More reputable sites, such as, will lead to a higher ranking, but any backlink can help your campaign. Network with other business and content publishing companies to set up a steady backlinking campaign.
  • How are they Linking?: Inbound links are not considered by themselves, the type of link is also considered. Keyword rich links are the most effective, so include popular phrases in the anchor text of your links.
  • Social Media: It was only a matter of time until search engines took social media standing into consideration, and that time has come. The rate of interactivity a page has with social networks is a significant consideration these days, and a healthy history of social engagement can lead to a higher ranking.
  • Email Marketing: Snail mail has slowly been dying since the birth of the internet, so e-mail is the next big thing. By engaging your users, encouraging them to interact with your business on social networks, and including multiple links in your newsletters you can increase your standing on search engines, and even create the opportunity for valuable backlinking.
If you cannot focus energy on all of these things, isolate those that can lead to the most success for your business and your purposes. Every campaign is different, and you must take your personal goals and resources into consideration before jumping into anything.

To learn more about search engine optimization, call us, 877-247-3843 ext. 400.


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